-- Create a FCString with the raw Enigma string local stringobject = finale.FCString() stringobject.LuaString = "^font(Times New Roman)^size(12)^nfx(0)My Text" -- Create a page text object -- Set it up to top/center on the first page local pagetext = finale.FCPageText() pagetext.HorizontalAlignment = finale.TEXTHORIZALIGN_CENTER pagetext.VerticalAlignment = finale.TEXTVERTALIGN_TOP pagetext.HorizontalPos = 0 pagetext.VerticalPos = 0 pagetext.Visible = true pagetext.FirstPage = 1 pagetext.LastPage = 1 -- Save the raw text and text block first pagetext:SaveNewTextBlock(stringobject) -- Save the page text to the page 1 storage pagetext:SaveNew(1) -- Load all parts local allparts = finale.FCParts() allparts:LoadAll() -- Parse through all parts and RESAVE the existing page text object for part in each(allparts) do -- Page text will only be visible in the part/score where it was created pagetext.Visible = part:IsCurrent() part:SwitchTo() pagetext:Save() part:SwitchBack() end