for entry in eachentrysaved(finenv.Region()) do -- Only process 2-note chords if (entry.Count ~= 2) then goto continue end -- Only process (enharmonically) perfect 4ths local highestnote = entry:CalcHighestNote(nil) local lowestnote = entry:CalcLowestNote(nil) local mididiff = highestnote:CalcMIDIKey() - lowestnote:CalcMIDIKey() if mididiff ~= 5 then goto continue end -- Create a notehead modification object local notehead = finale.FCNoteheadMod() -- Remove any old notehead data for this entry notehead:EraseAt(lowestnote) notehead:EraseAt(highestnote) -- Create a diamond character that is 110% of the default size notehead.CustomChar = 79 notehead.Resize = 110 notehead:SaveAt(highestnote) -- Jump label here: ::continue:: end