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On this page, you can add documentation changes you want included in the next betas of JW Lua. Separate your documentation requests with separator lines (=4 dashes in a row, using the Wiki syntax). I (jari) will remove the requests from this page when they have been included in a shipping beta.

Sample Usage (don't modify)


Add this text: This method will return nil if a string doesn't exist.

End of Sample (put additional requests below)

—- FCNote::CalcStaffPosition() (JW: Added to v0.40 docs) Add this text: Even when the score is displayed in concert pitch, the calculated value will be as if the display was transposing. [In contrast to this, FCNoteEntry::CalcStemLength() does change when switching between sounding and transposing display. Should this be harmonized?] —- FCNote::CalcWrittenPitch() (JW: Added to v0.40 docs) Add this text: Even when the score is displayed in concert pitch, the calculated value will be as if the display was transposing. [Same as CalcStaffPosition()] —- FCNoteEntry (JW: A modified version of this was added to v0.40 docs) Add this text: [After “The class is also a collection of notes (of the FCNote class).] The order of notes in the collection is low to high. —- FCStaffListLookup (JW: Fixed in v0.40 docs) Add text: [In “Detailed Description”] I guess either there is something missing or it should be capitalized like “A specialized collection class that has The Purpose.” ;-) —- FCSmartShapeSegment::SetEndpointOffsetX() (JW: Added to v0.40 docs) Add text: This function only has a visible effect when custom offsets where enabled for this segment using SetCustomOffset(). [Same as for SetEndpoingOffsetY()] —- FCSmartShapeSegment::SetEndpointOffsetY() (JW: Added to v0.40 docs) Add text: This function only has a visible effect when custom offsets where enabled for this segment using SetCustomOffset(). [Same as for SetEndpoingOffsetX()] —- __FCEntryDetail::SaveNew() (JW: Added to v0.40 docs) Add text: For some subclasses (namely FCStemMod), this method must not be called if there's already a stem mod that can be accessed with FCStemMod::LoadFirst(). A pattern to ensure this is: <code lua> if not stemMod:LoadFirst() then stemMod:SaveNew() end </code> [Ideally, a SaveNew() would lead to a Lua error rather than crashing Finale.]

In the Enigma Strings documentation, it would be helpful for non-native English speakers to add “letter spacing” to the ^tracking() description. Took me a while to find out how to translate “tracking”. I could edit the page directly, but I don't want to be disrespectful.

jwlua/developer_doc_change_requests.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/15 07:59 by thomas