[JW Lua] Artificial Harmonics script

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Fri Aug 9 16:07:02 CEST 2013

Hello All!

Here's a script that you can use in the next JW Lua beta. It will create 
visual string harmonics on all perfect 4ths in the selected region. One 
difference compared to Finale's built-in solution is that it makes the 
diamond notehead a little larger (110%) to better match the normal 

for entry in eachentrysaved(finenv.Region()) do
    -- Only process 2-note chords
    if (entry.Count ~= 2) then goto continue end
    -- Only process (enharmonically) perfect 4ths
    local highestnote = entry:CalcHighestNote(nil)
    local lowestnote = entry:CalcLowestNote(nil)
    local mididiff = highestnote:CalcMIDIKey() - lowestnote:CalcMIDIKey()
    if mididiff ~= 5 then goto continue end
    -- Create a notehead modification object
    local notehead = finale.FCNoteheadMod()
    -- Remove any old notehead data for this entry
    -- Create a diamond character that is 110% of the default size
    notehead.CustomChar = 79
    notehead.Resize = 110
    -- Jump label here:

More notes about this script are available on the script sample page on 
the Wiki:

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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