[JW Lua] What's new in beta 0.03

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Wed Aug 28 08:13:11 CEST 2013

I was in a bit of a hurry when I released beta 0.03 yesterday, but 
here's the list of what's new in beta 0.03:

* A tabbed user interface, with different "pages" for running scripts, 
management and development.

* The Esc key will no longer close the modeless windows (the main window 
and the Class Browser).

* A "manager", where scripts can be added to the explorer tree (and the 
Finale menu, when that functionality becomes available). The manager has 
2 group folder modes: manual or automatic (which can be tagged). One 
script can be shared in multiple groups, based on the user's workflow.

* A dialog (accessed through the "Plug-in Def" button) that 
automatically configures the plug-in script.

* An editor with syntax highlighting and folding added.

* FCMultiStaffInstrument(s) supported (works only on Finale 2012)

* Basic user input support through finenv.UserValueInput()

* BeatChartElement(s), FCMultiMeasureRest(s), FCMultiMeasureRestPrefs, 
FCCustomStemMod, FCEntryAlterMod, FCCell are fully implemented.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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