[JW Lua] More class questions

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Fri Aug 30 10:16:42 CEST 2013

On 2013-08-29 23:26, Charles O. Lawrence wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time and having the patience to answer what must seem
> like novice questions.

No problem at all. Questions like these are important to me to improve 
the syntax and consistency of the scripting language.

For example, I've now realized that it isn't productive for a script 
programmer to constantly need to remember how to construct an object, 
specially when the object is related to some other object. The only 
important task for a script is to manipulate things (=objects).

So I'll use more extensive use of what I call the "Create" methods in 
the framework (and JW Lua) in the future. (A "Create" method only 
creates objects, it creates nothing in the Finale database.) For 
scripting, it makes much more sense to write (where "e" is assumed to be 
a FCNoteEntry):

-- Gets all articulations attached to an entry
theartics = e:CreateArticulations()

compared to the current (beta 0.03) approach:
theartics = finale.FCArticulations(e)

Thanks for your testing!

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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