[JW Lua] Visible Property and more
marcel.denio at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 08:09:54 CET 2013
Thank you very much for your quick response Jari.
Obviously your code is much better than mine.
Best regards,
Le 18/11/2013 19:57, Jari Williamsson a écrit :
> Chris,
> I've now put an example on the Wiki that explains how to create a page
> text that's visible in one part only:
> http://jwmusic.nu/jwplugins/wiki/doku.php?id=jwlua:quickscripts&#create_page_text_in_one_part_only
> In your code, I noticed that you used the ^fontTxt() Enigma tag. Do
> NOT use ^fontTxt() for page text blocks (only use it for expressions
> that i in a category that support a specific text font). Instead, use
> ^font().
> Regarding the problem with saving the FCGroup object, there's one
> script thing that needs to be changed: on Finale 2011 and higher you
> should use SaveNew(0) for groups (groups are stored in the global
> staff set nowadays). However, there's also a bug in JW Lua that
> prevent FCGroup objects to get created from scratch. I'll look into
> this bug and try to have it fixed in the next beta version.
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Jari Williamsson
> On 2013-11-18 15:34, GMail wrote:
>> Hello Jari
>> I'm French (excuse my English) and I use "FINALE" for about 20 years.
>> I also participate in a french forum
>> (http://finale-logiciel-aide-gravure-musicale.eu/)
>> or the much talked about you and your wonderful plugins that are quick
>> and ergonomic.
>> In my spare time I do a little programming and I tried to write a Lua
>> script.
>> For my needs, I wrote this script that creates a text visible only on a
>> part.
>> ---
>> function plugindef()
>> -- This function and the 'finaleplugin' namespace
>> -- are both reserved for the plug-in definition.
>> finaleplugin.Author = "CHRIS"
>> finaleplugin.Date = "13/11/2013"
>> finaleplugin.CategoryTags = "Text"
>> return "Texte sur Part", "", "Cree un texte visible uniquement sur
>> la part active"
>> end
>> -- demander texte a l'utilisateur
>> local dialog = finenv.UserValueInput()
>> dialog.Title = "CHRIS - Texte sur Part"
>> dialog:SetTypes("String")
>> dialog:SetDescriptions("Veuillez entrer votre texte :")
>> local returnvalues = dialog:Execute()
>> -- si annuler -> fin
>> if returnvalues == nil then return end
>> -- creer la chaine de caracteres Enigma
>> local myText = finale.FCString()
>> myText.LuaString = "^fontTxt(Arial, 0)^size(8)^nfx(0)" ..
>> returnvalues[1]
>> -- creer un objet texte attachee a une page
>> local myPageText = finale.FCPageText()
>> -- positionner le texte
>> myPageText:SetHorizontalAlignment(finale.TEXTHORIZALIGN_LEFT)
>> myPageText:SetVerticalAlignment(finale.TEXTVERTALIGN_BOTTOM)
>> -- cacher le texte globalement
>> myPageText:SetVisible(false)
>> -- sauver
>> myPageText:SaveNewTextBlock(myText)
>> myPageText:SaveNew(1)
>> -- memoriser l'ID du TextBlock
>> local id=myPageText.TextBlockID
>> -- charger tous les textes attaches aux pages
>> pagetexts = finale.FCPageTexts()
>> pagetexts:LoadAll()
>> -- rendre visible notre texte sur la part active
>> for pagetext in each(pagetexts) do
>> if pagetext.TextBlockID == id then
>> pagetext:SetVisible(true)
>> pagetext:Save()
>> break
>> end
>> end
>> ---
>> But I did not understand how stored non linked properties. (like the
>> "Visible" property).
>> And I do not know if my text search by TextBlockID is good.
>> Otherwise I also made this little script to create a group, but it
>> does not work:
>> ---
>> local myGroup = finale.FCGroup()
>> myGroup:SetStartStaff(1)
>> myGroup:SetEndStaff(2)
>> myGroup:SetStartMeasure (1)
>> myGroup:SetEndMeasure(32767)
>> myGroup.BarlineShapeID=0
>> myGroup.BarlineStyle=1
>> myGroup.BarlineUse=false
>> myGroup.BracketID=2 --finale.BRACKET_PIANOBRAC
>> myGroup.FullNameHorizontalAdjust=-48
>> print(myGroup:SaveNew(1))
>> ---
>> In the future I will try to make more short messages.
>> Thank you for all your work.
>> Bests regards
>> Chris
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