[JW Lua] PageText not playing ball

Herbert van Essen hpvanessen at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 16:11:03 CEST 2013


Thank you for the welcome!

I found it: you have to change the last line in:

Now I can go on...



Hartelijke groet,


2013/10/18 Charles O. Lawrence <charlesolawrence at bellsouth.net>

> Herbert,****
> ** **
> Welcome aboard!  I have not tried this yet, but here is what I think you
> need to do.  Of course, Jari will set us straight.****
> ** **
> The PageAssignment does not specify which page you want your text on, but
> rather one of three settings 0->ALL pages, 1->ODD pages, or 2->EVEN pages.
> To specify an individual page, you have to set BOTH FirstPage AND LastPage
> to the individual page number you want, or to a range of pages.  I haven’t
> figured out how to specify score or parts yet either.****
> ** **
> I will try it later, but I have to be away from my workstation right now.*
> ***
> ** **
> Charles Lawrence****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* JWLua [mailto:jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu] *On Behalf Of *Herbert
> van Essen
> *Sent:* Friday, October 18, 2013 4:37 AM
> *To:* The JW Lua script plug-in.
> *Subject:* Re: [JW Lua] PageText not playing ball****
> ** **
> Hello Jari and all,****
> I am following you since LUA started and now I am trying something myself.
> ****
> How about placing text on the page that is selected?****
> Or place text on many or all pages?****
> Here is an example of placing text on a given page:
> function plugindef()
>    -- This function and the 'finaleplugin' namespace
>    -- are both reserved for the plug-in definition.
>    finaleplugin.Author = "Herbert van Essen"
>    finaleplugin.CategoryTags = "Text, Page, System, UI"
>    return "Place text on page X", "Place text on page X",
>            "Creates a predefined text on page X."
> end
> -- Show user dialog box
> local dialog = finenv.UserValueInput()
> dialog.Title = "Place text"
> dialog:SetTypes("Number")
> dialog:SetDescriptions("page number:")
> dialog:SetInitValues(1)
> local returnvalues = dialog:Execute()
> if not returnvalues then return end
> local currentprocesspage = returnvalues[1]
> if currentprocesspage < 1 then
>     print ("Input error: Invalid start page number.")
>     return
> end
> local pages = finale.FCPages()
> local pageprocesscounter = 0
>    -- Get the collection of PageText objects
> local pageTexts = finale.FCPageTexts()
> -- Create a new PageText object
> local newText = finale.FCPageText()
> -- Here I'm wildly setting properties in case one of them is missing and
> essential!
> newText.FirstPage = 0
> newText.LastPage = 0
> newText.PageAssignment = currentprocesspage
> newText.VerticalPos = -72
> newText.HorizontalPos = 1
> -- newText.HorizontalAlignment = 0 -- Calling this crashes Finale
> newText.VerticalAlignment = 0
> newText.PageEdgeRef = true
> -- Create a new string object, set it to the desired text, with Enigma
> tags for font, size and nfx (whatever that is)
> local textObject = finale.FCString()
> textObject:AppendLuaString("^font(Arial Black,4096)^size(24)^nfx(0)It
> Works!")
> -- Set the string as the TextBlock on the new Page Text object (and check
> that it has via the console)
> print(newText:SaveNewTextBlock(textObject))
> newText:SaveNew(1)
>  ****
> It doesn't work like that; Can you give me a hint to get this right?
> ****
> How can I get the PageAssignment to load at the currentprocesspage?****
> And what are setting properties for? They are doing nothing as far as I
> can see.****
> ** **
> Thanks,****
> Herbert ****
> ****
> 2013/10/17 Dave Foster <fozder at me.com>****
> Hi Jari and all,
> Many thanks for your tips, especially on optimising my string
> concatenation and using dot properties. I'm still struggling to get my new
> PageText object to show up, either on screen or in the FCPageTexts
> collection - here's where I'm at:
> -- Get the collection of PageText objects
> local pageTexts = finale.FCPageTexts()
> -- Create a new PageText object
> local newText = finale.FCPageText()
> -- Here I'm wildly setting properties in case one of them is missing and
> essential!
> newText.FirstPage = 1
> newText.LastPage = 1
> newText.VerticalPos = -72
> newText.HorizontalPos = 1
> -- newText.HorizontalAlignment = 0 -- Calling this crashes Finale
> newText.VerticalAlignment = 0
> newText.PageEdgeRef = true
> -- Create a new string object, set it to the desired text, with Enigma
> tags for font, size and nfx (whatever that is)
> local textObject = finale.FCString()
> textObject:AppendLuaString("^font(Arial Black,4096)^size(24)^nfx(0)It
> Works!")
> -- Set the string as the TextBlock on the new Page Text object (and check
> that it has via the console)
> print(newText:SaveNewTextBlock(textObject))
> newText:saveNew(1)
> So I get the error
>    -- This function and ..."]:41: attempt to call method 'saveNew' (a nil
> value)
> so looks like I'm not using saveNew() in the correct way - I've tried
> using it on the collection (i.e. pageTexts:saveNew(newText)) but that's not
> it either. Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Dave
> On 16 Oct 2013, at 11:00, jwlua-request at jwmusic.nu wrote:
> >> Next challenge - create some text - this doesn't seem to get anything
> to show up, either on the page or in the FCPageTexts:
> >>
> >> local newText = finale.FCPageText()
> >> newText:SetFirstPage(1)
> >> newText:SetLastPage(1)
> >> newText:SetVerticalPos(-72)
> >> newText:SetHorizontalPos(1)
> >> local textObject = newText:CreateTextString()
> >> textObject:AppendLuaString("^font(Arial Black,4096)^size(24)^nfx(0)It
> Works!")
> >> newText:SaveTextBlock(textObject)
> >>
> >> Any thoughts?
> >
> > 1. If you do "print(newText:SaveTextBlock(textObject))", you'll see that
> > it returns false. Replace "SaveTextBlock" with "SaveNewTextBlock". Since
> > you're creating a new page text, you cannot replace a text pool item
> > that doesn't exist. You should even be able to do "local textObject =
> > finale.FCString()" in this case as well, since "CreateTextString()" will
> > never return any text.
> > 2. After the Enigma text block has been saved, save the page text
> > object. Add "newText:SaveNew(1)" at the end and the text will appear.
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