[JW Lua] Using the input dia;og

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Tue Sep 3 09:00:44 CEST 2013

On 2013-09-03 00:54, Charles O. Lawrence wrote:

> I hate to keep bothering you, but the below script seems to ignore the
> 3^rd and 4^th checkboxes.  They are initialized to true, but always show
> as false, no matter how they are checked.  Am I missing something?

That was a bug - thanks for the report! I've fixed that now and it 
should work in the next beta. (Only 2 user values was read from the 
dialog box, same bug affected the entry fields.)

Btw, the return value from the dialog:Execute() is already a table, so 
you can use the pairs() iterator directly on that if you want.

> Are there other properties or methods for the finenv namespace?

Currently, finenv is used for 3 things only:
* To get the global UI object - finenv.UI().
* To create a new user value input dialog object - finenv.UserValueInput()
* A shortcut to the currently selected region object - finenv.Region().

> Are there other properties or methods for finale:FCUI?  You mentioned
> the Beep().

Yes, there's lots of stuff in FCUI and they should be marked as 
Lua-supported in the FCUI docs. The methods for alert boxes is probably 
generally useful. There's an example on how to use the AlertYesNo in the 
"create tacet" sample script (mentioned in a separate recent post).

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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