[JW Lua] Create lyrics

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Tue Apr 1 12:10:22 CEST 2014


This example would assign verse syllables for verse 1 note-by-note in 
the region. It assumes that a lyrics text already exists for verse 1.

If you need to save a text as a verse/chorus/section, 
FCVerseLyricsText/etc should be able to do that.

I also limited this example to only work on 1-staff selections and only 
process layer 1 entries.

Although my example doesn't do it, I don't think it's an error to assign 
syllable numbers larger than what's available in the text. Finale 
handles syllables dynamically and if the string grows later, the 
syllables will show up.

local region = finenv.Region()
if region:CalcStaffSpan() ~= 1  then return end

local syllable = 1
for e in eachentrysaved(region) do
    if e:IsNote() and (e.LayerNumber == 1) then
         local vs = finale.FCVerseSyllable()
         vs.RawTextNumber = 1
         vs.SyllableNumber = syllable
         if vs:IsValidSyllableNumber() then
             syllable = syllable + 1
             print("Syllable", syllable, "doesn't exist")

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2014-04-01 10:45, Chris wrote:
> Jari
> Yes I want to add new lyrics (verse, chorus or section) to notes
> and as I can't do with SaveRawText I searched the number of the next
> syllable to insert.
> Since I noticed that I did not need the line : vs:SaveRawText(syllabe)
> Thanks
> Chris
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