[JW Lua] Staff-stuff (create, transposition, name)

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Fri Apr 25 13:26:48 CEST 2014


Your code will not work if the staves doesn't have any existing staff 
name to overwrite. When I wrote this reply, I discovered that the latest 
JW Lua version you have doesn't have the SaveNewFullNameString() method, 
which was implemented after the last beta release.

Here's a modified version (for the next JW Lua build). Note that I also 
also modified it to check that the staff ID exists in the document, by 
checking that the table result is non-nil.

function set_staff_names()
	local all_staves = finale.FCStaves()
	for staff in each(all_staves) do
		current_name = staff:CreateFullNameString()
             if (staff_names[staff.ItemNo]) then
                 current_name.LuaString = staff_names[staff.ItemNo] 

                 if not staff:SaveFullNameString(current_name) then

The methods SetTransposeAlteration() and SetTransposeInterval() are also 
implemented in the next build. Would that cover what you need?

Saving new staves will arrive later. Now I'll prepare a new beta build 
of the stuff that have been implemented since the last public beta. I'll 
see if I can get creation of new staves in the build after that one.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2014-04-17 12:36, Bart Visser wrote:
> Hi all,
> I try to name a bunch of new staves with JW Lua:
> local staff_names = {
> 	[1] = "C",
> 	[4] = "Bb-bas",
> 	[5] = "C-bas",
> 	[6] = "Bb",
> 	[7] = "Eb-laag",
> 	[8] = "F",
> 	[9] = "Eb-hoog",
> }
> function set_staff_names()
> 	local all_staves = finale.FCStaves()
> 	all_staves:LoadAll()
> 	for staff in each(all_staves) do
> 		current_name = staff:CreateFullNameString()
>          	current_name.LuaString = staff_names[staff.ItemNo]
>          	print(staff:SaveFullNameString(current_name))
> 	end
> end
> set_staff_names()
> It doesn't work (keeps returning false when calling the SaveFullNameString-method). Is there a way to get this working?
> Also I would like to set the transposition of each staff (interval -6, etc.). If I read the documentation correctly, this isn't possible at the moment (you can get it but not set it). Would it be possible to add this function?
> And while I'm mailing about staff-stuff: is it already possible to create a staff (with all kinds of custom properties) from scratch? (This wasn't possible when I first asked a few months ago).
> Thanks,
> Bart Visser
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