[JW Lua] Keyboard navigation in JW Lua tabs for macros

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Mon Aug 25 11:52:12 CEST 2014

>>    That would enable macros, no matter what JW Lua tab is active.
>>    I.e. it would be possible to start a JW Lua script from within Finale
>>    with just one keyboard macro shortcut.
> This is already possible, by putting the script in the Finale plug-ins 
> menu and access the script from there.
ah, thanks, good to know ! I missed that one.

Maybe you could add to the documentation pages how to do that.
Something like:

/Open JW Lua//
//Go to Manager tab//
//S//elect [Menu] as the plug-in group //
//Add Lua script by clicking on "New" in the "Items in Group" box//
Select script file and press open
//Close JW Lua//
//Restart Finale//
//To change the name of plug-in in the Finale menu,//
//open the script in the Development tab,//
//click on "Plug-in Def..." and set the plug-in name./
/If the plug-in name field is left empty, the menu entry
will be//labeled////with the file name.//
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