[JW Lua] Multimeasure rests and measure width

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Sat Aug 9 18:46:42 CEST 2014


New and unedited MM rests are based on the width value in the MM 
preferences in the Document Settings.

A MM rest width is not related to the underlying measure widths. The MM 
rest width can be edited numerically in the Measure Tool context menu in 

To get the printed width of a measure or MM rest on a staff system, you 
need to look at the HorizontalStretch value in the cell metrics. The 
HorizontalStretch value is identical for all measures on the same staff 

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2014-08-08 12:11, Jan Angermüller wrote:
> Jari,
> how can I calculate the width of a multimeasure rest
> measure (or better: group of measures) ?
> FCMultiMeasureRest.Width seems to return a constant value
> unless the measure width was changed manually with the
> measure tool.
> If it was changed manually, then it returns the correct value.
> FCMeasure.Width of an empty measure that is part of a multimeasure rest
> also seems to return a constant value. When summing up
> all measure widths that belong to a multimeasure rest,
> the value is much bigger than the actual multimeasure rest width.
> A workaround is to calculate with the new cell metrics
> LeftEdge from the beginning of the MM rest until the next normal measure.
> But that does not work if the multimeasure group is the
> last measure on a system, then one would need to have a
> RightEdge value.
> Have a nice day,
> Jan Angermueller
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