[JW Lua] JW Lua window functionality improvements

Charles O. Lawrence charlesolawrence at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 7 14:49:44 CET 2014


These are all good suggestions.  Points 1 and 2 can probably be implemented
with the freeware AutoHotkey utility outside of Finale/JWLua.  The search
might be a little more involved, but I think it could be done.  I'm sure the
ALT and/or CTRL with keys could be done.  It is a great utility if you don't
have it for making hotkeys for anything Windows related.

On point 3, I sometimes have wished for a larger window on my 27" monitor,
but I have never bothered to ask Jari.

Good catch on point 4.  I had discovered many versions ago that there were
several ways one could lose work not having been saved in the JWLua window.
Jari closed those loopholes, but closing a Finale score before closing the
JWLua window was not one of the scenarios I ever considered doing.


BTW:  Closing down Finale with a modified unsaved JWLua window open suffers
from the same problem, no matter if a score is open or not.  I did something
while experimenting and when I opened the JWLua plug-in again, the modified
but unsaved JWLua script reopened.  I have not pinned down exactly how this
happened yet.  When I get a chance, I'll work on the AHK scripts and see
what I get.

-----Original Message-----
From: JWLua [mailto:jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu] On Behalf Of Jan Angermüller
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 3:25 PM
To: The JW Lua script plug-in.
Subject: [JW Lua] JW Lua window functionality improvements

After working a little bit more with JW Lua, I have some suggestions for
improvements on the JW Lua window functionality.

- Ctrl-F (or Alt-F): Please insert a simple text search function to be able
to browse the code faster.
If it gets longer and longer (more than 1000 lines), it takes quite some
time to find the right function.
Idea: Just open a dialog with one text field, a search button (=ok) and a
cancel button

- On Finale/Windows: Map Alt-S (for save) and the other menu functions to
Ctrl-... which is more common on Windows.  Or does that interfere with the
Finale standard "Save" functionality ?

- To be able to make the JW Lua window as big as 1920x1080 screen size (or
whatever big screen size you have). Currently the maximum size I can get is
about 1108x824 on my 1920x1080 screen.

- when closing a Finale file (i.e. the score, not the JW Lua plugin), the JW
Lua plugin closes as well - currently without asking if the changes should
be saved. So changes in the plugin code will be lost, when closing the score
file. Is it possible to ask "Save changes ?" 
within the plugin, when the score file is to be closed ?

- And one more suggestion for the UI/environment variables: Give access to
the standard Finale directories. E.g. to be able to find the
"PercNoteTypes.txt" automatically


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