[JW Lua] JW Lua window / AutoHotkey

Charles O. Lawrence charlesolawrence at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 7 21:37:30 CET 2014


An interesting device.  I would never have thought it would have an
application for anything other than gaming, from the description.

AutoHotkey is all software.  It uses the keyboard and mouse of your system.
It is a little programming language of its own.  I think you would find it
interesting and useful.  I am working on trying to implement your
suggestions.  I might not look good for searching, but I am still
investigating its possibilities in that regard.  If I get something working,
I'll post it.


-----Original Message-----
From: JWLua [mailto:jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu] On Behalf Of Jan Angermüller
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 1:10 PM
To: The JW Lua script plug-in.
Subject: Re: [JW Lua] JW Lua window / AutoHotkey


>Points 1 and 2 can probably be implemented with the freeware AutoHotkey 
>utility outside of Finale/JWLua. It is a great utility if you don't 
>have it for making hotkeys for anything Windows related.

I haven't used AutoHotkey yet. But I think I'm using something similar.
It's the Logitech G13 (www.amazon.com/dp/B001NEK2GE/). I can really
recommend it for use with Finale. It is an external keyboard which has
22 programmable keys that can me mapped to four different scenarios (e.g.
one with macros for entering the notes, one for layout stuff, one for midi
import, etc.).
So you have 88 macros (keyboard/mouse) available on just one key press.
Works great - even with complex macros.


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