[JW Lua] Reading MIDI values

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Wed Jan 15 17:31:05 CET 2014


After using ConnectCell(), you need to also load the data to have it 
available in the object. However, since there can be any number of 
instances available to a cell, the most efficient way would be to use 
the collection (FCMidiExpressions instead of FCMidiExpression).

Browse through a loaded collection using the each() iterator.

If you need to delete data from the collection, delete backwards.

The code snippet below will print all controller events in the first 
measure/first staff ID:
local midievents = finale.FCMidiExpressions()
local cell = finale.FCCell(1,1)
for me in each(midievents) do
     if me.Controller then
         print("CC #", me.ControllerNumber, "  value:", me.ControllerValue)

The 3 other types (patch, pressure, wheel) will be available to 
FCMidiExpression(s) in the next beta of JW Lua.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2014-01-15 16:50, Jan Angermüller wrote:
> Hi Jari,
>> JW Lua beta 0.13 is now available for download, and the following code
>> should insert a MIDI controller event at the start of the first
>> measure on the staff with ID 1:
> Thanks a lot for the MIDI integration !
> Just two questions:
> 1.) Is it also possible to READ existing continuous MIDI data from a
> measure/staff ?
> I am not sure about the syntax. I tried:
> local cell = finale.FCCell(1,1)
> me:ConnectCell(cell)
> me:SetUseController()    -- required ? I only want to get controller
> values ?
> me.MeasurePos = 0
> me.ControllerNumber=52
> if me:GetController () then    --returns true only when I use
> SetUseController before
>     print("MIDI Controller:", me.ControllerNumber)   --always prints 52
> (of course, as set before)
>     print("MIDI value:", me.ControllerValue)                --always
> prints 0, although in Finale the value x is stored
> end
> No matter if the controller 52 is set in Finale or not, GetController
> only returns true, when I use SetUseController before. GetController
> seems to check SetUseController only and not the real controllers set in
> the Finale measure/staff.
> No matter which controller number I select, the ControllerValue always
> returns 0.
> Seems to me like the Get functionality is not implemented yet.
> 2.) The "Finale MIDI tool" also allows viewing and setting of other
> continuous MIDI data besides
> the controller data: Patch Changes, Channel Pressure and Pitch Wheel.
> Are they also covered by FCMidiExpression ?
> In MIDI message code: controller data is $b0 in the first message byte,
> patch changes $c0, channel pressure $d0 and pitch wheel $e0.
> If not, maybe add a variable (MIDI_CONTROLLER, MIDI_PATCHCHANGES, ...)
> to FCMidiExpression for selecting the type of MIDI data ?
> Thanks a lot !
> Jan
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