[JW Lua] Calculating space between left barline and first note entry

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Thu Jul 31 09:16:55 CEST 2014


The cell metrics seems to be the approach to use, but currently there is 
nothing hooked up in JW Lua or in the framework. There seems to be a 
value in the cell metrics that would give the whitespace at the start of 
a measure, but I'm unsure if it works or not. I write it up as a feature 
request and try to find a solution for it.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2014-07-24 13:12, Jan Angermüller wrote:
> Is there a function to calculate the EVPU width between
> left barline and first note/accidental position
> taking into account time sig/key sig/clef symbols
> that may occur on the beginning of the measure ?
> I hoped measure:GetSpaceBefore() would do this,
> but it returns the measure attribute "Extra Space Before Music" only.
> A workaround would be to calculate the difference
> between the left barline and the first note/accidental metric position.
> But I didn't find a function to calculate the position
> of the left barline. And I think a function to calculate the position
> of accidentals does not exist either. So calculating the note head/stem
> entry metrics would not be sufficient, if an accidental existed.
> Adding something like GetAccidentalPosition to FCEntryMetrics
> and GetLeftBarlinePosition to FCMeasure would be a great.
> And of course, GetFullSpaceBefore for FCMeasure
> (in contrast to Get(Extra)SpaceBefore).
> Jan
> --
> Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jan Angermueller
> Audio- und Videoproduktion
> Jevenstedter Str. 80
> 22547 Hamburg
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