[JW Lua] Copying Percussion Layouts

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Thu May 1 15:37:21 CEST 2014


That didn't make it to this update. It's on my todo list.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2014-04-29 12:06, Jan Angermüller wrote:
> Jari,
> copying/cloning percussion layouts is not possible in 0.18, is it ?
> With the code below it still didn't work. Or am I missing something ?
> Jan
> Am 01.04.2014 10:22, schrieb Jari Williamsson:
>> Jan,
>> I think the issue is that the name of the new percussion map isn't
>> saved. I need to add a method to save that name.
>> Btw, the LoadAllForItem() in your example is not necessary, since the
>> SaveDataAs() method copies without relying on existing data.
>> Best regards,
>> Jari Williamsson
>> On 2014-03-28 19:52, Jan Angermüller wrote:
>>> Jari,
>>> is it possible to clone or create new percussion layouts from within
>>> Lua ?
>>> I was successful in copying a percussion layout to an existing
>>> percussion layout
>>> (overwriting the existing note type entries). The copied entries were
>>> available in the percussion layout designer.
>>> I was also successful in copying a percussion layout to a new cmper and
>>> reading it from within Lua.
>>> But: when I opened the "Percussion Layout Designer" dialog there were no
>>> new entries.
>>> Do I have to call a "flush" that the percussion layout entries are
>>> updated ?
>>> This is the code:
>>> local PercLayout=finale.FCPercussionLayoutNotes()
>>> PercLayout:LoadAllForItem(4)  --loads layout 4
>>> PercLayout:SaveDataAs(4,9)   -- writes to layout 9
>>> If layout 9 exists, its entries will be overwritten and are available in
>>> the layout designer
>>> If it doesn't exist, the entries are copied, but are non-existent when
>>> opening the layout designer,
>>> although they can be read within Lua.
>>> Changing the name of the new percussion layout (SetNameString) would
>>> also be required.
>>> Jan
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