[JW Lua] Reading measures from parts

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Thu May 15 18:16:30 CEST 2014


I was trying to read the part-specific measure attribute for the music 
spacing issue discussed on Facebook.
Time signature based music spacing in slash style measures works fine 
now, but only in the score not in the parts.

How do I get to the part measures ? I always get the measures from the 
score only.
Probably I need to tell FCMeasure that we are in a certain part, but I 
though part:SwitchTo() would do that.

local parts = finale.FCParts()
for p in each(parts) do
     if p:IsPart() then     -- check that it's actually a part, and not 
the score
            local measure=finale.FCMeasure()
            measure:Load(1)    -- should load measure 1 from the part, 
but actually loads it from the score

Any hints ?


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