[JW Lua] Setting instruments to solo mode - save functionality missing

Charles O. Lawrence charlesolawrence at bellsouth.net
Thu May 29 23:27:27 CEST 2014


I was just curious, because having the ability to solo/mute groups of
instruments is just what the forum post is about.  It is an odd coincidence
that your post to the JWLua forum came up at the same time dealing with the
same subject.

Jari must be really busy lately as we have not heard from him on this forum
for some time and he usually is very prompt.  I trust all is well.


-----Original Message-----
From: JWLua [mailto:jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu] On Behalf Of Jan Angermüller
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 5:04 PM
To: The JW Lua script plug-in.
Subject: Re: [JW Lua] Setting instruments to solo mode - save functionality


no, I don't read the forum.makemusic.com.
I submitted it to MM support some months ago, but the problem of not having
solo playback groups is of course much older.
The idea to do it with JW Lua came when I stumbled upon the SetSolo-function
in the JWLua class browser.

Because of the restricted user interface in runtime mode, the plugin will
probably be not very user-friendly.
But at least it's possible to solve the problem with JW Lua and maybe the
addition of a macro software.


Am 29.05.2014 21:01, schrieb Charles O. Lawrence:
> Jan and Jari,
> Is this in any way related to a recent post on the forum.makemusic.com 
> Windows forum by zac100, "Mixer/playback -- groups of instruments?"?
> I thought this would be a good challenge for JWLua if all the hooks 
> are there, but it looks like you have beaten me to it!
> Charles Lawrence
> -----Original Message-----
> From: JWLua [mailto:jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu] On Behalf Of Jan 
> Angermüller
> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 11:16 AM
> To: The JW Lua script plug-in.
> Subject: [JW Lua] Setting instruments to solo mode - save 
> functionality missing
> Jari,
> a feature request that I had submitted to MakeMusic some time ago, 
> would also be feasible with JW Lua:
> creatings sets of instrument for solo playback.
> For example, if I am currently working on the woodwind part of an 
> orchestral score. I would like to listen quickly, for example, only to 
> the flutes/oboes or all woodwinds or whatever... It is very clumsy 
> setting the solo mode in score manager, especially if you want to 
> switch a lot between the large instrument sets.
> So the idea would be to define instrument groups in the JW Lua plugin 
> and with one macro key switch setting these instrument to solo playback.
> I tried this example code (on Staff 5 / Layer 1).
> But while I can get and set the solo mode, it seems like the final 
> save-functionality is not implemented yet.
> local InstrPlaybackData = finale.FCInstrumentPlaybackData()
> InstrPlaybackData:Load(5)
> local NoteLayerPlaybackData = InstrPlaybackData:GetNoteLayerData(1)
> --Read layer 1
> NoteLayerPlaybackData:SetSolo(true)
> NoteLayerPlaybackData:SaveNew()    -- not working
> Maybe you could add that in the next release ?
> Have a nice day,
> Jan Angermueller
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