[JW Lua] DeepDeleteData / DeepSave

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Sun Sep 7 23:09:44 CEST 2014

On 2014-09-07 21:42, Jan Angermüller wrote:

> Just a final question on this topic:
> If you take for example the class FCExpression,
> will DeepDeletaData() also affect the FCTextExpressionDef() ?
> If so, is it correct to say that DeepDeletaData() more or less deletes
> all "connected" Finale classes that can be created from within
> the main class  with  "FC...:Create...()" ?
> Then it would be easy to remember.

No, FCExpression() data is completely separated from FCExpressionDef(). 
(See my reply to Charles about remapping expressions.) The only 
connection between them are an ID number in the FCExpression data.

The "Create...()" methods imply that the method allocates objects (that 
requires memory) on the heap. For a JW Lua developer, the important 
thing to know is that each call to a Create...() method will allocate a 
little more memory that will not be deallocated until the script ends.

"Create()..." methods create objects that aren't connected to the 
creator object, so they can be resaved at other locations.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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