[JW Lua] More FCCellFrameHold and clef issues

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Sat Sep 13 21:28:45 CEST 2014

On 2014-09-10 15:34, Jan Angermüller wrote:

> - I still can get an FCCellFrameHold for each measure of the
>    measure range where a new clef is applied, not only for the first
>    measure where the clef appears.
>    The documentation says:
>    "Only one FCCellFrameHold data record should exists for each cell
>    and only at clef changes."

The docs are wrong - I'll change that! The FCCellFrameHold holds all the 
TGF frames with note entries, and the data structure also appears in 
empty measures with clef changes at the start.

> - When I call FCCellFrameHold:DeleteData() to delete the clef change,
>    also the note entries in that measure are deleted.

Yes, that would delete the references to the TGF frames as well. 
Instead, change the clef to the previous clef.

> - Does FCCellFrameHold also handle mid-measure clefs ?
>    If there is only one FCCellFrameHold per measure, it can't handle
> several (midmeasure-)clefs per measure.

FCCellFrameHold only handles start-of measure clef changes. 
FCNoteEntry.ClefIndex can get the clef value, but the actual mid-clef 
data is stored elsewhere. I'll investigate! Perhaps I can include it for 
the next beta update.

> - Setting mid-measure clefs to hide does not work:
>    If there is a mid-measure clef (and no other clefs in this measure),
>    a FCCellFrameHold object exists and CalcClefChange returns true.
>    But after calling CellFrameHold:SetClefShow(finale.SHOWCLEF_HIDE),
> they are still visible.
>    Only clefs at the start of a new measure can be hidden.

Correct, that's what CellFrameHold controls.

> - If I call CellFrameHold:SetClefShow(finale.SHOWCLEF_HIDE) to hide any
> clef,
>      is it possible to only affect score view ?
>      Currently when I call it from within the score scope,
>      the clefs are also hidden in part view.
>      I don't if this Finale allows this splitting - seems like this is
> not possible and I have to use staff styles for this.

AFAIK, clef states can't be unlinked between score and parts.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

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