[JW Lua] TextRepeats

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Sun Sep 21 23:31:31 CEST 2014


Yes, that's the correct way to create a text repeat in the document, for 
the currently available beta.

I'm currently working through all aspects of repeats. For the next beta 
release, my goal is to have all code related to repeats in place. There 
will be some changes to the current design, but the properties are still 
the same.

The fretboard style things are on my todo list for a later beta.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2014-09-21 15:54, Chris wrote:
> Hello Jari
> Is this the right way to assign TextRepeats.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> local trd = finale.FCTextRepeatDef()
> if not trd:Load(1) then return end
> local tr = finale.FCTextRepeat()
> tr:AssignTextRepeatDef(trd)
> tr.AutoUpdateTarget = true
> tr.HorizontalPos = 0
> tr.IndividualPositioning = false
> tr.JumpIfIgnore = false
> tr.ResetOnRepeat = false
> tr.TargetTrigger  = finale.TEXTREPTARGET_DEFID
> tr.Target = 1
> tr.TotalPasses = 1
> tr.VerticalPos = 57
> tr.ShowMode =finale.REPSHOW_TOPSTAFF
> if not tr:SaveNew(1) then return end   -- measure 1
> local m = finale.FCMeasure()
> if not m:Load(1) then return end
> m.TextRepeatFlag = true
> m:Save()
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> And when you can :
> - FCTextRepeatText  (for create texts in FCTextRepeatDef)
> - and the fretboards (But there is probably more urgent things)
> Thanks
> Chris
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