[JW Lua] SetMeasurement

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Sun Apr 26 12:31:19 CEST 2015


Yes, the comma needs to be supported as a decimal separator for numbers 
as well. I'll look into it.

However, for input dialogs you don't need to convert measurements 
manually, unless you want a specific input measurement. Instead, use the 
"Measurement" input type. This script would do basically the same thing:

local dialog = finenv.UserValueInput()
dialog.Title = "Test"

local varEVPU = 200

returnValues = dialog:Execute()
if not returnValues then return false end

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2015-04-23 16:29, Chris wrote:
> Hello Jari
> I have a problem with this script.
> The return value is a integer (1  instead of 1.76388)
> Is it a problem of international decimal symbol ?
> (sorry for my english)
> ---------------------------------
> function EVPUtoCm(value)
>      local string = finale.FCString()
>      string:SetMeasurement(value, finale.MEASUREMENTUNIT_CENTIMETERS)
>      return string.LuaString
> end
> local dialog = finenv.UserValueInput()
> dialog.Title = "Test"
> dialog:SetTypes("Number")
> dialog:SetDescriptions("Variable")
> local varEVPU = 200
> local varCm = EVPUtoCm(varEVPU)
> print(varCm)
> dialog:SetInitValues(varCm)
> returnValues = dialog:Execute()
> if not returnValues then return false end
> print(returnValues[1])
> ---------------------------------
> Best regards
> Chris
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