[JW Lua] Mirrors measures

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Mon Feb 9 14:30:17 CET 2015


Thanks for your bug file, it helped a lot!

I've fixed your bug and I'm doing a couple of redesigns to how the 
entries are loaded/saved. (I'm working on releasing a new beta later today.)

The changes are:
1. eachentrysaved() will now never load mirror entries
2. FCNoteEntryCell and FCNoteEntryLayer will never save mirror entries
3. FCNoteEntryCell and FCNoteEntryLayer now have a property to not load 
mirrored entries

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2014-12-02 10:46, Chris wrote:
> region = finenv.Region()
> if region:CalcStaffSpan () ~= 2 then
>      finenv.UI():AlertInfo("Select two staves","Grace notes - Tab")
>      return
> end
> local memPos = {}
> local ind=1
> local indNew=1
> for e in eachentrysaved(finenv.Region()) do
>     if e.Staff == region.StartStaff and e.GraceNote then
>          memPos[ind] = e.ManualPosition
>          ind = ind + 1
>      elseif e.Staff == region.EndStaff and e.GraceNote then
>          e.ManualPosition=memPos[indNew]
>          indNew = indNew +1
>     end
> end

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