[JW Lua] FCStaffNamePosition:GetJustification constants missing in the online documentation

Jari Williamsson jari.williamsson at mailbox.swipnet.se
Sat Jan 31 17:46:02 CET 2015


These constants are listed (but not fully documented) in the FCTextBlock 
class. Perhaps not the most logical place, and the document linking from 
the FCStaffNamePositionPrefs class is non-existent.

I'll write it down for fixing.

Best regards,

Jari Williamsson

On 2015-01-30 11:16, Jan Angermüller wrote:
> Jari,
> in FCStaffNamePosition and FCStaffNamePositionPrefs the GetJustification
> function is described in the documentation to "return any of the
> TEXTJUSTIFY_ constants."
> But there are currently no constants that start with TEXTJUSTIFY... in
> the online documentation
> (they are however implemented and can be listed with the old
> listconstants.lua script).
> Best regards,
> Jan
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