[JW Lua] FCTempoElement problems with Absolute/CalcValue/Ratio

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Thu Jun 18 14:36:48 CEST 2015


I wonder if FCTempoElement:GetAbsolute()/CalcValue()/GetRatio() are 
working correctly ?
I always get a false value from GetAbsolute() and also the 
CalcValue()/Ratio return results which I didn't expect:

If it is an absolute value I get:
FCTempoElement:GetAbsolute()==false    -- I expected true
FCTempoElement.Ratio == the absolute tempo value      -- I expected 1 = 
100% (or 1000 -> see relative value below)
FCTempoElement:CalcValue() == absolute tempo * 1118.483  -- I expected 
the absolute tempo without the factor

If it is a relative value I get
FCTempoElement:GetAbsolute()==false   --what I expected
FCTempoElement.Ratio == the relative tempo * 1000  --I expected the 
relative tempo without the factor 1000, but that's ok
FCTempoElement:CalcValue() == the relative tempo * 100  -- I expected 
the absolute tempo

Tested with Fin2014/Windows.

All the best,

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