[JW Lua] FCPercussionMapNotes with map sets to "None: (Built in GM)"

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Sun Nov 8 14:49:54 CET 2015


when I use CreatePercussionMapNotes() on a staff that uses the default 
percussion MIDI Map "None (Built in GM)", it returns a nil value instead 
of the map "Built in GM".
As a workaround I have stored the (what I think are the) General MIDI 
percussion map values in a table which will be used in case of "nil".
But I am not sure if all values are 100% correct, although it seems to 
work fine now.
Maybe you can access the "Built in GM"-map somehow and return it instead 
of the nil ?

Code snippet:
     local staff = finale.FCStaff()
     local instrumentdef = staff:CreateLayerInstrumentDef (1)
     local mapnotes = instrumentdef:CreatePercussionMapNotes() --returns 
nil if set to "None (Built in GM)"


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