[JW Lua] Finale crash when argument is nil

Thomas Weber thomas.weber at notengrafik.com
Fri Oct 2 21:26:17 CEST 2015

Am 22.09.2015 um 12:55 schrieb Jari Williamsson:
> During test phases of coding, this code might help:
> http://www.lua.org/extras/5.2/strict.lua
> The code is linked from the following page, and here are also more approaches to detect undefined variables:
> http://lua-users.org/wiki/DetectingUndefinedVariables

These are really nice resources I wasn't aware of.  The Lua Development Tools (LDT) for Eclipse also do a pretty good job at highlighting globals (be they intentional or not).  However, Eclipse is a beast I have a love-hate-relationship with.



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