[JW Lua] JW Lua beta v0.40 available

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Thu Oct 15 12:12:52 CEST 2015

Wow, Jari, gigantic update ! Thank you very, very much.

Do you have a recommendation how to update old scripts safely ?
If a property was renamed, it will now have the value nil, if I don't 
update to the new property names.
So I need to do a lot of "Search+Replace" which is quite error-prone 
with all these name changes and lots of files.

Is there a way that you could add a "Deprecated Property"-warning 
message, if the old property names are detected anywhere.
Another idea would be to keep the old names as mirrors (pointers) of the 
new propeties.
So that at least the old scripts don't fail at once if I update. This 
would make it less risky to update.

All the best,

Am 15.10.2015 um 09:55 schrieb Jari Williamsson:
> Hello All!
> JW Lua beta version 0.40 is now available for download.
> Changed/fixed in this version:
> * The Windows distribution now contains 3 files. All should be placed 
> in the same plug-ins folder.
> * All old references (such as Entnum, ENTNUM, EntryRefNumber) to entry 
> IDs in methods/properties have been renamed to "EntryNumber" for 
> consistency.
> * All documentation additions found on the user Wiki page has been 
> merged with the online docs.
> * All methods and classes should now be documented in the online 
> documentation.
> * Fixed numerous syntax/structure issues found in the online 
> documentation.
> * Renamed FCMeasureNumberRegions:CalcMeasureNumber() to 
> CalcStringFromNumber().
> * FCMeasureNumberRegions:CalcNumberFromString() added
> * Lua 5.3.1 is now used.
> * ID property added for FCClefDef
> * FCMetatoolAssignments(s) class added, with support for 
> clef/tuplet/staff style/repeat/expression/articulation metatools.
> * FCStaff.UseFretLetters property renamed to FretLetters
> * FCUI:AlertYesNoCancel() method added
> * FCNoteEntry:FindNoteID() method added
> * FCSmartShapeSegment.NoteID property added
> * FCNoteEntryLayer:DeleteAllRestFrames() method added
> * __FCNoteEntryCollection:FindEntryNumber() method added
> * Fixed nil crashes in FCCurrentStaffSpec:LoadForEntry() and 
> LoadForCell().
> * Optimized how JW Lua accesses class information in the UI.
> * Class Browser now has searchable filter fields for properties and 
> methods.
> * Class Browser now provides info about types, returns and parameters 
> (for methods and properties).
> * In Class Browser - "Doc." buttons have been added to 
> properties/methods/class methods, that will display the correct 
> documentation directly (including inherited class support).
> * The very first time Class Browser starts, the class information is 
> loaded in a separate thread in the background, so UI remains responsive.
> * Text filter settings are now remembered even when Class Browser is 
> closed.
> * Class browser now includes a separate "Base Classes" dropdown 
> filter, for classes that aren't used as anything but inherited parent 
> classes.
> * Corrected 7 classes that weren't registred at all for the filter 
> popup in the Class Browser.
> * When selecting a new filter in the popup, Class Browser now tries to 
> retain the currently selected class.
> * Fixed Class Browser templates for FCSectionSyllables, 
> FCChorusSyllables, FCVerseSyllables
> * Templates for FCSystemStaff and FCShapeDefInstruction added.
> * FCMultiMeasureRestPrefs class now includes ChangeRest() and 
> CopyFromRest() methods.
> * A PrefsReset() method has been added to FCTuplet and 
> FCMultimeasureRest classes.
> * LLM_ constants has been added for use with 
> FCNoteEntryCell:SetLoadLayerMode().
> * Fixed a crash that happened if the script couldn't be found when the 
> File Info dialog box is opened (Explorer tab)
> * Esc key now works in the File Info dialog box.
> * BottomBarlineOffset/TopBarlineOffset properties added to handle the 
> height of barlines in staves (such as short vs. normal barlines).
> * If a item is changed in the [Menu] group on the Manager tab, the 
> user now gets an info message that a Finale reboot is required.
> * Fixed a missing control in the Group dialog box (on the Manager tab) 
> on the Mac side.
> * FCCell:HasIndependentKeySig() method added
> * File names now support Unicode on Finale 2012 and above.
> * FCFolderBrowseDialog and FCFileOpenDialog now supports Unicode 
> support on Windows.
> * Renamed FCChord.FretboardID to FCChord.FretboardStyleID
> * Scripts with Unicode names are now correctly displayed in safety 
> message boxes (such as deleting from the Manager tab).
> * FCFretboardStyleDef(s) classes have been added
> * The "Repository" tab has been renamed to "Vault"
> * FCRawText::GetText() method added
> * FCStaffStyleDef(s) classes have been added. Please note that region 
> transpositions are specialized staff styles.
> * FCChorusSyllable(s), FCSectionSyllable(s), FCVerseSyllable(s) now 
> have online documentation
> * When running on FinWin2012 and later, the buttons for arrows now use 
> Unicode glyphs like in the Mac version.
> * Renamed FCArticulations:ContainsID() to ContainsDefID()
> * FCString:TruncateEnd() method added
> * Redesigned the template builder in the Class Browser from scratch so 
> it's easier to add new templates.
> * FCBaselines methods added to add new baselines: 
> AssureSavedLyricNumberForPiece(), AssureSavedStaffForPiece(), 
> AssureSavedLyricNumber(), AssureSavedStaff()
> * Improved documentation for FCBaseline(s) classes
> * Changed some parameter orders in FCBaseline(s) methods, so they 
> always appear in mode-systemno-staffid-lyricno order.
> * FCSmartShapePrefs is now fully implemented.
> * Tests for FCSmartShapePrefs added to the test suite.
> * Added these properties to FCTupletPrefs: NumberOffsetUpstem, 
> NumberOffsetDownstem, BracketThickness, MaxSlope
> * Fixed a bug where FCMiscDocPrefs::GetGraceNotePlaybackDuration() 
> always returned 1.
> * Fixed a number of bugs related to test cases.
> * Test cases for JW Lua are now on GitHub: 
> https://github.com/jariw2/jwluatesttoolkit/
> * Added FCCell:AssureSavedIndependentTimeSig() and 
> FCCell::AssureSavedIndependentKeySig() to support independent time/key 
> sigs in selected cells (if the staff attribute has been set).
> * Renamed property in FCStaff/FCStaffStyleDef: FirstClef is now 
> DefaultClef
> * Added these properties to FCStaff/FCStaffStyleDef: IndependentFont, 
> NoteShapes, ShowNoteColors, AllowOptimization
> * FCStemConnectionTable class added
> Download link (both Windows and Mac):
> http://finaletips.nu/index.php/download/category/28-beta-version
> Best regards,
> Jari Williamsson
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