[JW Lua] Relation between FCAccidentalMod and its corresponding FCNote

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Thu Feb 4 18:11:48 CET 2016


how do I get a relation between an FCAccidentalMod and its corresponding 
FCNote ?
I can create the FCAccidentalMods (and then FCAccidentalMod) from an 
FCNoteEntry, e.g.:
local accidentalmods=finale.FCAccidentalMods(FCNoteEntry)

But: if for example an FCNoteEntry has five notes (i.e. 5x FCNote) of 
which four have an accidental of which two have an accidental mod, how 
do I know which accidental has which accidental mod.
I thought FCAccidentalMod.ItemInci might help, but ItemInci relates to 
the FCAccidentalMod counter and not to the FCNote counter.

Something like FCAccidentalMod:GetNoteID(eNoteID...) or even better 
FCAccidentalMod:GetNote(FCNote ...) would probably help.

Or am I missing something ?


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