[JW Lua] get all items of "Expression Tool"

Robert Wildling robertwildling at gmail.com
Sun May 8 18:37:23 CEST 2016


this is my first post and also my first day with JW Lua from a developer
point of view. Quite amazing, what can be done with it!

Currently I would like to adapt the awesome DoubleStaffMMR Lua script that
is somewhere out the in the forums. Whenever this plugin is applied, it
creates one (and only one!) MultiMeasureRest number to a 2-staff-system
instruments, hiding the default settings (which make a MMR appear twice).

The numbers are created as text expressions saved in the "Miscellaneous"
category. The disadvantage of this plugin is that it creates a number for
each measure, not checking whether a number already exists as a text
expression. So I would like to fetch all the data that can be found in the
"Miscellaneous" category, check against the "Description" field (where is
says "DoubleStaffMMR_[number]") and use the existing item, or only then
create a new item.

That's the theory. Now for the practical part: How do I fetch all items
from the "Miscellaneous" category?

Thanks for any tips!

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