[JW Lua] get all items of "Expression Tool"

Robert Wildling robertwildling at gmail.com
Tue May 10 10:44:41 CEST 2016

Thank you for your script, Bart Visser! That is extremly helpful!!!

At the moment I am struggeling with getting the text of the Description
field (of a Expression Tool item). The "JW Lua" Class Browser offers a
GetDescription(argString) method (without a return value?), but it
obviously needs a string to do something. Instead, I need to read and
return the Description in order to compare it to another string...

local str = finale.FCString()
str.LuaString = [a variable from somewhere else like "DoubleStaffMMR5"]

... and now?

Any hint would be most welcome!

*Robert Wildling*
Göllnergasse 19/30 || A-1030 Vienna
ph: +43 676 6089613
@: robertwildling at gmail.com

2016-05-08 18:37 GMT+02:00 Robert Wildling <robertwildling at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> this is my first post and also my first day with JW Lua from a developer
> point of view. Quite amazing, what can be done with it!
> Currently I would like to adapt the awesome DoubleStaffMMR Lua script that
> is somewhere out the in the forums. Whenever this plugin is applied, it
> creates one (and only one!) MultiMeasureRest number to a 2-staff-system
> instruments, hiding the default settings (which make a MMR appear twice).
> The numbers are created as text expressions saved in the "Miscellaneous"
> category. The disadvantage of this plugin is that it creates a number for
> each measure, not checking whether a number already exists as a text
> expression. So I would like to fetch all the data that can be found in the
> "Miscellaneous" category, check against the "Description" field (where is
> says "DoubleStaffMMR_[number]") and use the existing item, or only then
> create a new item.
> That's the theory. Now for the practical part: How do I fetch all items
> from the "Miscellaneous" category?
> Thanks for any tips!
> Greetings,
> Robert
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