[JW Lua] JWLua Digest, Vol 34, Issue 16

Robert Wildling robertwildling at gmail.com
Sat May 14 12:45:54 CEST 2016

Thank you for sharing!!! Looking forward to using it!

*Robert M Wildling*

*composer | pianist | music engraver | progammer*
Göllnergasse 19/30 || A-1030 Vienna
ph: +43 676 6089613
@: robertwildling at gmail.com

2016-05-14 12:00 GMT+02:00 <jwlua-request at jwmusic.nu>:

> Send JWLua mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Vocal compass (Mr.Pat)
>    2. Suggestion for the iterator: smartshape filter (Jan Angerm?ller)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 10:34:19 -0700
> From: "Mr.Pat" <Mr.Pat at pdreditions.com>
> To: <jwlua at jwmusic.nu>
> Subject: [JW Lua] Vocal compass
> Message-ID: <000901d1ad3d$aed3a010$0c7ae030$@pdreditions.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Here's my first attempt. My work is with choral music so this plugin
> applies
> to choral scores. It scans the selected region to find the highest, lowest,
> and mean notes in the selected staves. It then displays them in the first
> measure of the staff. It assumes that there is at least one note in the
> first measure already. All of my templates are set up like that. The plugin
> works as it is, but I think there is a more efficient way to get the notes
> placed in the first measure. Suggestions welcomed.
> Pat
> function plugindef()
>    -- This function and the 'finaleplugin' namespace
>    -- are both reserved for the plug-in definition.
>    finaleplugin.RequireScore = true
>    finaleplugin.RequireSelection = true
>    finaleplugin.MinFinaleVersion = "2012"
>    finaleplugin.MinJWLuaVersion = "0.45"
>    finaleplugin.Author = "PDR Editions"
>    finaleplugin.Copyright = "2016"
>    finaleplugin.Version = "1.0"
>    finaleplugin.Date = "5/11/2016"
>    finaleplugin.AuthorURL = "www.pdreditions.com"
>    finaleplugin.AuthorEmail = "Mr.Pat at pdreditions.com"
>    finaleplugin.CategoryTags = "Chord, Measure, MIDI, Note, Pitch, Region,
> Staff"
>    return "Find Ranges", "Find Range", "Finds highest, lowest, and median
> range"
> end
> -- Use sounding pitch
> local written_pitch = false
> -- Table MIDI notes for each staff
> local lowestnotes = {}
> local highestnotes = {}
> local midnotes = {}
> local notecount = {}
> local staff = {}
> local region = finenv.Region()
> for slot = region.StartSlot, region.EndSlot do
>    staff[region:CalcStaffNumber(slot)] = slot
> end
> for entry in eachentry(region) do
>    if entry:IsNote() then
>       -- Get the staff number where the entry is placed
>       local staffnumber = entry.Staff
>       --  skip the first measure
>       if entry.Measure >1 then
>          -- Parse through all notes in the note entry (=chord)
>          for note in each(entry) do
>             -- Use the enharmonic MIDI note to check the pitch
>             local midikeynumber = note:CalcMIDIKey()
>             -- See if the note is lowest on the staff
>             if not lowestnotes[staffnumber] or lowestnotes[staffnumber] >
> midikeynumber then
>                lowestnotes[staffnumber] = midikeynumber
>             end
>             -- See if the note is the highest on the staff
>             if not highestnotes[staffnumber] or highestnotes[staffnumber] <
> midikeynumber then
>                highestnotes[staffnumber] = midikeynumber
>             end
>             -- Add the note to midnotes
>             if not midnotes[staffnumber] then
>                midnotes[staffnumber] = midikeynumber
>             else
>                midnotes[staffnumber] = midnotes[staffnumber] +
> midikeynumber
>             end
>             if not notecount[staffnumber] then
>                notecount[staffnumber] = 1
>             else
>                notecount[staffnumber] = notecount[staffnumber] + 1
>            end
>          end
>       end
>    end
> end
> -- Add new notes to each staff as needed. Assume at least one existing note
> local staffnum
> local slotnum
> for staffnum, slotnum in pairs(staff) do
>    noteentrycell = finale.FCNoteEntryCell(region.StartMeasure, staffnum)
>    noteentrycell:Load()
>    for noteentry in each(noteentrycell) do
>       for i = noteentry.Count, 2, 1 do
>          noteentry:AddNewNote()
>       end
>    end
>    noteentrycell:Save()
> end
> -- Set the values for each note
> for staffnum, slotnum in pairs(staff) do
>    noteentrycell = finale.FCNoteEntryCell(region.StartMeasure, staffnum)
>    noteentrycell:Load()
>    local noteentry = noteentrycell:GetItemAt(0)
>    local note = noteentry:GetItemAt(0)
>    note:SetMIDIKey(math.floor(midnotes[staffnum]/notecount[staffnum] + .5))
>    note.Playback = false
>    note = noteentry:GetItemAt(1)
>    note:SetMIDIKey(highestnotes[staffnum])
>    note.Playback = false
>    note = noteentry:GetItemAt(2)
>    note:SetMIDIKey(lowestnotes[staffnum])
>    note.Playback = false
>    noteentry.CheckAccidentals = true
>    noteentrycell:Save()
> end
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 11:54:00 +0200
> From: Jan Angerm?ller <jan at angermueller.com>
> To: "The JW Lua script plug-in." <jwlua at jwmusic.nu>
> Subject: [JW Lua] Suggestion for the iterator: smartshape filter
> Message-ID: <4645e8af-fcdd-39e0-d2ab-d08bc6221b76 at angermueller.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Jari,
> here's a suggestion for the smartshape iterator:
> instead of browsing all smartshapes, I would a prefer a filter for
> hairpins, slurs, customlines, etc. that also implements the logical
> method as used in the other filters. Something like:
> AddSmartShapeFilter(int filter, int logicmode)
> Best,
> Jan
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
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> ------------------------------
> End of JWLua Digest, Vol 34, Issue 16
> *************************************
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