[JW Lua] Adding notes

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Wed May 25 10:27:52 CEST 2016

Yes, it's possible. Use FCNoteEntryLayer:AppendEntriesInLayer, 
InsertEntriesAfter or InsertEntriesBefore for it. See 
http://www.finaletips.nu/frameworkref/class_f_c_note_entry_layer.html .


Am 24.05.2016 um 23:55 schrieb Jon Griffin:
> Is it possible to write notes to a staff? I'm am back working on a 
> harmonizer and I looked through the docs and it appears the API 
> doesn't allow you to add any notes to a staff. I want to find a note 
> and harmonize it based on some rules. If I can't do that in Finale, I 
> will work on it using Python and exporting a midi file. I was just 
> hoping to select a region and have it calculate if it's possible.
> Jon
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