[JW Lua] Four more JW Lua bugs

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Thu Nov 3 14:27:30 CET 2016

Hi Jari,

I don't know how I should submit more bugs ?
Again separate mails ? Or add them to my PDF and upload it again ?
Below are four bugs of which bug 2 has been mentioned before in older 
mails, but never been fixed.
I would priorizite the first bug as "High Priority" and the other three 
as "Nice to have"-bug fixes.


1.) If I open a sub dialog (e.g. articulation, expression, ...) from my 
main dialog and then want to return to my main dialog (by clicking ok or 
cancel), *the focus gets lost*. Neither Finale nor my main dialog are 
active anymore (the focus isn't visible at all!) and I need to use the 
mouse and click on the plugin dialog to make it active again. Thus it's 
impossible to automate the plugin for example via macros.
Maybe a*:SetFocus() *function is needed - if this is not performed 
I have only tested it on Windows/Finale 2014.5.

Test code: (Run the code, click on the Select button and then close the 
Articulation dialog -> focus is not on the plugin anymore)
local str=finale.FCString()
local dialog = finale.FCCustomLuaWindow()
local button = dialog:CreateButton(0, 0)
str.LuaString = "Select"
local function mycommandhandler(thecontrol)
     if thecontrol:GetControlID()==button:GetControlID() then
         local myIDResult
         myIDResult= finenv.UI():DisplayArticulationDialog(0)

2.) If I write *0 (EVPU) to FCDistancePrefs.AccidentalMultiSpace*, it 
appears as 8 (EVPU) in the Finale document options "Space Between 
Accidentals on Note" field.
Any other value I write appears correctly, i.e. -1 -> -1,  1 -> 1, 2-> 2 
When I read the value from within JW Lua after having written it, it 
returns correctly as 0, but still shows 8 in the dialog. Test script below.
The same goes for or FCDistancePrefs.AccidentalNoteSpace.  (see mails 
2016-04-22 and 2016-04-23)

local distprefs=finale.FCDistancePrefs()

3.) *FCAccidentalMod.UseCustomChar is not available only 
On the other hand UseCustomFont is available both as property and method.

4.) *FCNoteheadMod.UseCustomChar is not available only :GetUseCustomChar()*
On the other hand UseCustomFont is available both as property and method.

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