[JW Lua] Help Adding Articulation

Bryan Higgins bryan at motet.com
Sun Sep 30 19:02:27 CEST 2018

Thanks, Jan and Chris. I think it was the reload that was needed. I'm
getting the fermata now. I had to call FCArticulation::ResetPos() as
well, as the fermata was appearing underneath the rest. Unfortunately
there is this disclaimer in the documentation: "This method currently
doesn't support the 'Center horizontally' option," and I want "center
horizontally." I guess this is the equivalent of pressing Backspace in
Finale? Perhaps I need to change the handle offsets in the fermata

On 2018-09-29 11:21, Jan Angermüller wrote:

>> I'm amazed you've been able to do your elaborate plug-ins with such a lack of information.
> Unfortunately I couldn't test the code before I sent you the correction. At first sight I only noticed the SaveNew() missing.
> But indeed I have never added an articulation before, I have only used "articulation clone" ("AddArticulations") in my plug-ins and this only to already existing notes.
> And I think I have not even used FCNoteEntryCell:AppendEntriesInLayer before, I have always used FCNoteEntryLayer:InsertEntriesAfter.
> I remember having problems with AppendEntriesInLayer which I didn't have with InsertEntriesAfter. Maybe it was the reload? I don't know.
> Your original script was nearly ok (I mean the one that you sent me via PM, it was different than the one on the list). 
> It only needed the SaveNew() and, as Chris pointed out, the reload.
> Here is your corrected original script - slightly differen than Chris' which is more optimized.
> For example entry.ArticulationFlag=true is not necessary (but indeed faster) if you use notecell:Save() as you did in your script.
> function plugindef()
> -- This function and the 'finaleplugin' namespace
> -- are both reserved for the plug-in definition.
> return "Fermatas", "", ""
> end
> local fermatadef = finale.FCArticulationDef()
> local metatools = finale.FCMetatoolAssignments()
> metatools:SetMode(2)
> metatools:LoadAll()
> for metatool in each(metatools) do
> if metatool.Keystroke == 70 then
> fermatadef:Load(metatool:GetDefID())
> break
> end
> end
> for m, s in eachcell(finenv.Region()) do
> local cell = finale.FCCell(m, s)
> notecell = finale.FCNoteEntryCell(m, s)
> notecell:Load()
> if notecell:IsEmpty() then
> entry = notecell:AppendEntriesInLayer(1, 1)
> if entry then
> entry.Duration = finale.WHOLE_NOTE
> entry.Legality = true
> entry:MakeRest()
> notecell:Save()  --this line added
> local index = notecell:GetIndexOf(entry)  --this line added
> notecell:Load()  --this line added
> entry = notecell:GetItemAt(index)  --this line added
> local fermata = finale.FCArticulation()
> fermata:SetArticulationDef(fermatadef)
> fermata:SetNoteEntry(entry)
> fermata:SaveNew()    --this line changed
> notecell:Save()
> end
> end
> end
> Jan
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