[JW Lua] Niente

Nick Mazuk nick at nickmazuk.com
Sat Jun 22 22:10:04 CEST 2019

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a find an replace script right now, and just need to replace “niente” with the Maestro “n” for niente. With Maestro font, though, the actual character is ñ.

When I use the replace function like this (expression text is an FCString):

expressionText:Replace('niente', 'ñ’)

Input: ^fontMus(Maestro)^size(24)^nfx(0)niente
Output: ^fontMus(Maestro)^size(24)^nfx(0)ñ

Anyone know how to create the Maestro niente through JW Lua?



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