[JW Lua] FCStaffStyleAssigns

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Fri Sep 13 09:40:10 CEST 2019

Yes, it is a bit unclear.
Cmper is usually either the measure number or the staff number.


Am 12.09.2019 um 15:33 schrieb Thomas Weber:
> Tried it out now – that code is very helpful.  The cmper argument (for 
> LoadAllForItem()) is something I don't quite grasp.  Jari once 
> explained it, but it's not immediately clear to me what number to put 
> there.  I assume I'd have to work with JWLua more regularly to get an 
> intuition what numbers should go in there.
> Many thanks
> Thomas
> Am 10.09.19 um 10:20 schrieb Jan Angermüller:
>> Use LoadAllForItem(staffnumber) instead:
>> for i=region.StartSlot,region.EndSlot,1 do
>>     local j=region:CalcStaffNumber(i)
>>     local staffstyles=finale.FCStaffStyleAssigns()
>>     staffstyles:LoadAllForItem(j)
>>     for sa in each(staffstyles) do
>>         ....
>>     end
>> end
>> Am 10.09.2019 um 09:47 schrieb Thomas Weber:
>>> To generate "statistics" which staff styles are used in a document, 
>>> I hoped i could do something like the following:
>>>     local styleAssigns = finale.FCStaffStyleAssigns()
>>>     styleAssigns:LoadAll()
>>>     for styleAssign in each(styleAssigns) do
>>>         -- do something
>>>     end
>>> However, styleAssigns.Count is 0, even though the document I'm 
>>> trying this switches between multiple staff styles.
>>> How does one work with these FCStaffStyleAssign[s] classes?
>>> Thomas
>>> -- 
>>> Notengrafik Berlin GmbH
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> -- 
> Notengrafik Berlin GmbH
> HRB 150007
> UstID: DE 289234097
> Geschäftsführer:
> Thomas Weber und Werner J. Wolff
> fon: +49 30 25359505
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