[JW Lua] Copy/Paste With FCMusicRegion()

Martin Marris mmarris at notecraft.com
Tue Dec 15 12:28:09 CET 2020

Hi Robert,


Problem solved.


You have to specify the source and destination *staves* not just the measures. This seems obvious but I had overlooked it. (Perhaps it is only necessary if there is more than one staff; I have not checked.)


Also staff and measure numbers must be valid. Otherwise you will get that same strange error Message Box I mentioned before, about a missing TMP file (instead of an error message in the console).


After copying from one staff to another, you must also change the clef, if the destination instrument uses a different one. Other instrument-specific data of the destination staff, such as the default transposition of the destination staff, seem to be preserved -- which is excellent.


After the script has run, the last-defined MusicRegion remains highlighted in blue. I have not yet figured out how to de-highlight it programmatically.


We are now “cooking with gas.” The easy copying of music between staves, programmatically and not via human user selection, is at the heart of what I am trying to do, on a massive scale.


Thanks for your help! Example script (this one has almost no validity checking, it is just a proof of concept):


local musicregion = finale.FCMusicRegion()


--copy music from source (Flute) staff







--set the destination (Bassoon) staff region






--get the original clef index of the destination instrument (Bassoon)

local cell = finale.FCCell(1, 3)

local clefIndex = cell:CalcClefIndexAt(0)


--paste music into destination staff



--change the clef of the pasted music to bassoon clef (BC) index 3

local cells = finale.FCCells()


for cell in each(cells) do

    local cellFrameHold = finale.FCCellFrameHold()


    if cellFrameHold:Load() then

        cellFrameHold.ClefIndex = clefIndex





--release the music


-- I thought the following might de-highlight the blue region but it does not





From: JWLua <jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu> On Behalf Of Robert Patterson
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 20:11
To: The JW Lua script plug-in. <jwlua at jwmusic.nu>
Subject: Re: [JW Lua] Copy/Paste With FCMusicRegion()


I don't know what you are planning to do, but transferring the notes individually is possible. It is also potentially quite complicated. In addition to notes, you have to copy all the other stuff in the Mass Edit filter window. (Or as much of it as you need.) If you go that route, you will know Finale programming inside and out by the end of the project.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 2:07 PM Martin Marris <mmarris at notecraft.com <mailto:mmarris at notecraft.com> > wrote:

Thanks Robert. So close, yet so far.


Will investigate.


Meanwhile: I assume the other way to copy/paste is to bypass the Region approach altogether and to use note cells instead. I have messed around with several alternatives but got nowhere, but what do I know?




From: JWLua <jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu <mailto:jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu> > On Behalf Of Robert Patterson
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 20:00
To: The JW Lua script plug-in. <jwlua at jwmusic.nu <mailto:jwlua at jwmusic.nu> >
Subject: Re: [JW Lua] Copy/Paste With FCMusicRegion()


Unfortunately, this may be a bug in either JW Lua or Finale. It may also be limited to Windows Finale. I have no personal experience with it, because I have never used the underlying API calls in the PDK. It is unfortunate that the PDK Framework does not provide a way to call the Copy/Paste menu items in the Edit menu. This is what I would do if programming directly to the PDK. (I don't trust the Copy/Paste APIs because I don't think they get much use, and they use clip files.)


You could try creating the directory it wants to write the clip files in. Maybe that would help. IDK.



On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 1:47 PM Martin Marris <mmarris at notecraft.com <mailto:mmarris at notecraft.com> > wrote:

Hi Robert,


Do you mean like this? It’s not working, I get a variant of the same message box error notification:


local musicregion = finale.FCMusicRegion()


musicregion.StartMeasure = 1

musicregion.EndMeasure = 2




musicregion.StartMeasure = 3

musicregion.EndMeasure = 4








From: JWLua <jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu <mailto:jwlua-bounces at jwmusic.nu> > On Behalf Of Robert Patterson
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 19:36
To: The JW Lua script plug-in. <jwlua at jwmusic.nu <mailto:jwlua at jwmusic.nu> >
Subject: Re: [JW Lua] Copy/Paste With FCMusicRegion()


Try calling musicregion:SetInDocument() after setting the start and end measures (both times).


On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 1:18 PM Martin Marris <mmarris at notecraft.com <mailto:mmarris at notecraft.com> > wrote:

I am trying to create a Region programmatically (rather than through user interaction).


Then, copy/paste between regions.


But if I run the following simple script:


local musicregion = finale.FCMusicRegion()

musicregion.StartMeasure = 1

musicregion.EndMeasure = 2


musicregion.StartMeasure = 3

musicregion.EndMeasure = 4




I get this result:


Message box: Title “Finale” and text “Cannot read library c:\users\myusername\AppDate\LocalLow\Fin33B.tmp”.






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