[JW Lua] Creating new text expression category

Robert Patterson robert at robertgpatterson.com
Mon Jan 10 13:45:46 CET 2022

SaveNewWithType should work in RGP Lua 0.58+. The others will not. If you
have an example of SaveNewWithType that fails to create a new category,
please post a sample script that fails.

However, creating a new category is just the beginning. To assign
expressions to it requires additional code for each expression.

On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 1:29 AM Carl Vine <carlvine at iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Can anyone help?
> I’m loading the standard  TECHNIQUETEXT FCCategoryDef (ItemNo 5), changing
> the name and some values, then trying to Save() as a new category.
> SaveNew(), SaveAs(new_unique_id) and SaveNewWithType(some_type) all fail.
> Save() succeeds but doesn’t change or update the CategoryDefs collection.
> Carl
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