[JW Lua] AddGuide function doesn't work properly

Robert Patterson robert at robertgpatterson.com
Mon Jan 17 15:23:05 CET 2022

RGP Lua 0.60 will add a new method FCGuides.SaveAll. This will allow you to
save the guides without saving the FCGridsGuidesPrefs. It will only work in
Finale 26.2+ and is intended to work around the Finale bug that was
introduced in that version. There will be more explanation in the PDK
Framework comments at FCGridsGuidesPrefs::Save.

On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 6:50 AM Robert Patterson <
robert at robertgpatterson.com> wrote:

> This appears to be a bug in Finale itself. But a workaround is possible.
> Do you also make changes to the GridsGuides preferences themselves?
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 12:16 PM Robert Patterson <
> robert at robertgpatterson.com> wrote:
>> I am seeing this also in versions of Finale 26.2 and higher. If you have
>> an earlier Finale version you can test, please confirm that it works there.
>> I'm still researching why this is happening in F26.2+.
>> On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 7:35 AM Artem Roschenko <roschenkoartem at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> When I try to add a new FCGuide to an empty FCGuides collection,
>>> it works fine, but if there are some guides (of the same type -
>>> horizontal or vertical), it cannot add a new one.
>>> I think this problem started in Final 26 and
>>> relevant so far for both JWLua 0.54 and RGP 0.59
>>> Example:
>>> local ggp = finale.FCGridsGuidesPrefs()
>>> ggp:Load(1)
>>> local hg = ggp:GetHorizontalGuides()
>>> hg:AddGuide(640)
>>> ggp:Save()
>>> Artem.
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