[JW Lua] FCNoteentry methods...

Robert Patterson robert at robertgpatterson.com
Wed Jun 22 02:34:14 CEST 2022

I'm fairly certain that these are calculated values provided by Finale so
you don't have to constantly recalc them for yourself. (Same with the clef
value on FCNoteEntry.) I don't really know why they are writable. That was
done long before I got to the code base. Any new values you write will be
retained for the life of the FCNoteEntry instance, but they will not be

To copy TGTools Easy Tremolos you need to modify the Duration property and
add an invisible tuplet. So, for example, to turn 2 consecutive quarters
into a half-note tremolo with three beams, you would change the Duration of
each note from QUARTER_NOTE to NOTE_32ND. Then you would add a new
invisible tuplet to the first one that is 2 32nds in the time of 2
quarters. After the FCNoteEntry is saved, the next time you retrieve it the
MeasurePos and ActualDuration properties will have been updated.

I don't at this moment recall how much Jari's documentation says about
TGFs. The PDK Framework mostly hides them from Lua scripters, but it's a
pretty important concept for working with note entries. Entries always come
out of a TGF, which is an array of entries for a single layer in a single
measure. To save an entry, you have to save the entire TGF. This can lead
to possibly unexpected behavior, for example:

for e in eachentrysaved(region) do
   e.Duration = e.Duration / 2

This would appear to halve the first entry in a region, but in fact the
entry won't be saved because you broke out of the loop. To save the entry,
the loop *must complete*. (You can see for yourself how eachentrysaved
works, because I've posted all the built-in iterator functions to the
lua-source <https://github.com/finale-lua/lua-source> repository. Or you
can fish it out of the jwlua binary for yourself, like I did originally.)

On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 6:53 PM Simon Leclerc <simon at prodsl.ca> wrote:

> Hi to all,
> Am I right to understand that the 2 FCNoteentry methods “SetMeasurePos”
> and “SetActualDuration” have no effect?
> I’m working on a plugin that deals with tremolos between whole notes and
> it does not seem possible to modify those 2 parameters.
> I analyzed the result of the TGTool plugin “Easy tremolos” and I can see
> that the 2 parameters have been changed and saved.
> Is there another class that needs to be addressed to make it work?
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> Simon Leclerc
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