[JW Lua] Repeat Brackets Hide Mysteriously - still unsolved

Robert Patterson robert at robertgpatterson.com
Thu Oct 20 14:18:25 CEST 2022

I did an overhaul of hide/show repeat brackets for 0.65. Each
FCSeparatePlacement has its own hide/show bit that overrides the hide/show
in the main repeat bracket.

Possibly that will fix this issue.

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 4:30 AM Jan Angermüller <jan at angermueller.com>

> Robert,
> do you have any ideas on this old issue?
> It popped up again in another document.
> Is the "Show/Hide" property somehow available for FCEndingRepeat?
> Jan
> On 03.07.2019 / 12:31 Jan Angermüller wrote:
> I have found out that when you copy (Save as...) the repeat bracket to a
> new measure, the new repeat bracket will behave correctly and not hide when
> calling sep:AssureStaffPlacement(1) .
> So there seems be some measure cell flag that says that the repeat bracket
> should hide. But I can't access it.
> When I now delete the old repeat bracket in measure 5 and run the script
> again to copy back from measure 6 to measure 5, the new repeat bracket will
> again behave false and hide. So the "Hide" flag is not reset by deleting
> the repeat bracket, but still seems to be active in the background.
> The result:
> - the first repeat bracket is again hidden
> - but the copied repeat bracket is fine
> Here is the new test code (applied to the document from the email
> 2/7/2019):
> local endrep=finale.FCEndingRepeat()
> if endrep:Load(5) then   --i.e. load bracket in measure 5
>     endrep.IndividualPositioning=true --not really required here as it is
> already true in the document, just for better understanding
>     local sep=endrep:CreateSeparatePlacements()
>     local s=sep:AssureStaffPlacement(1)    -- i.e. create separate
> placement element for staff 1 -> this leads to the hiding
>     --Now save to measure 6 and see what happens
>     endrep:SaveAs(6)
>     local meas=finale.FCMeasure()
>     meas:Load(6)
>     meas.RepeatBracketFlag=true --make the new repeat bracket active
>     meas:Save()
>     local sep=endrep:CreateSeparatePlacements()
>     local s=sep:AssureStaffPlacement(1) --DOES NOT hide the second repeat
> bracket
>     --try again with loading
>     local endrep=finale.FCEndingRepeat()
>     if endrep:Load(6) then
>         endrep.IndividualPositioning=true
>         local sep=endrep:CreateSeparatePlacements()
>         local s=sep:AssureStaffPlacement(1)   --DOES NOT hide the second
> repeat bracket
>     end
> end
> Anyone any ideas?
> Jan
> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
> Betreff: [JW Lua] Repeat Brackets Hide Mysteriously
> Datum: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 13:08:50 +0200
> Von: Jan Angermüller <jan at angermueller.com> <jan at angermueller.com>
> Antwort an: The JW Lua script plug-in. <jwlua at jwmusic.nu>
> <jwlua at jwmusic.nu>
> Jari et al,
> I have a problem with an ending repeat bracket. Attached is an excerpt
> from an orchestra score.
> When I want to add a "separate placement" (i.e. a change of the bracket
> offsets only for this staff), the repeat bracket always hides. The
> following code is the excerpt which leads to the hiding in the attached
> document:
> local endrep=finale.FCEndingRepeat()
> if endrep:Load(5) then   --i.e. load bracket in measure 5
>     endrep.IndividualPositioning=true --not really required here as it is
> already true in the document, just for better understanding
>     local sep=endrep:CreateSeparatePlacements()
>     local s=sep:AssureStaffPlacement(1)    -- i.e. create separate
> placement element for staff 1 -> this leads to the hiding
>     --... here follows the part which sets the offsets, but it's not
> required for this problem, the staff becomes hidden
> end
> Can anyone explain this?
> Or in other words: each bracket in Finale has a show/hide property. How
> can I address show/hide of brackets in JW Lua?
> FCSeparatePlacement only has offset values, but no visibility properties.
> Same for FCEndingRepeat.
> (Of course, you can also handle this over staff lists, but I assume they
> don't have anything to do with show/hide property)
> Jan
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