[JW Lua] Enharmonic Flip Bit

Robert Patterson robert at robertgpatterson.com
Thu Feb 23 14:49:30 CET 2023

That 4 value appears to be the enharmonic flip bit, which is not documented
in the PDK. I have sent a message to Makemusic to get clarification on how
it works. Once I hear back, I will add it to the PDK Framework and Lua.

The 13 is a custom font id. However, 13 is the font ID for Finale Music, so
it's the same as the default font. Furthermore, since the "UseCustomFont"
option is false, the custom font id is ignored anyway. The 13s appear to be
cruft in the file.

You may encounter this situation with any Special Tools modification that
is unlinkable, including FCNoteheadMods. It will appear to have all default
values in the score but is modified in one or more parts. There is no way
to determine this except to compare in all parts that contain the staff.

You may know that my Mass Copy plugin has a "Relink" option. Relinking is
not directly supported in the PDK. The way my plugin works is that it makes
a copy of the values it wants to relink to, deletes the item entirely and
then re-adds it in the score with the copied values.

If you delete seemingly empty note details in the score, you are removing
unlinked values from the parts and relinking them to the score.

I hope this helps.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 3:06 AM Jan Angermüller <jan at angermueller.com>

> Robert,
> I have recently had a document that included seemingly "empty"
> FCNoteheadMods.
> I.e. all options from the NoteheadMod dialog were set to the default
> value.
> So I deleted it with nh:DeleteData(), because I thought it was an
> unnecessary/corrupt FCNoteheadMod.
> This lead to a problem:
> When you do the CreateRawDataDump and list the 11th value, it may include
> a "4", and 13th value may include a "13".
> local nu=nh:CreateRawDataDump()
> print(nu:GetItemAt(10).Int)
> If this returns 4, then the "Enharmonic" bit is activated. Otherwise it
> returns 0.
> If you delete the FCNoteheadMod in this case, the enharmonic flip
> disappears.
> nu:GetItemAt(12).Int sometimes returns "13". I didn't find out what this
> is.
> As Perfect Layout wants to delete corrupt/empty FCNoteheadMods by default,
> it's difficult to find out when looking at the score only:
> If the enharmonic flip is only in a linked part and you load the
> FCNoteheadMod in the score, you won't recognize that there may be a flip in
> a part.
> Or in other words: if you analyze the DataDump in the score, it looks like
> the FCNoteheadMod doesn't make sense, because all values are set to 0
> (except the 100 resize value).
> My questions:
> - Maybe you could add the GetEnharmonic() to FCNoteheadMod?
> - Maybe you know what the 13 is?
> - Do you know if there is a simple way to decide when looking at the
> FCNoteheadMod in the score whether this is a "false/empty" FCNoteheadMod or
> if this is actually an unlinked FCNoteheadMod?
> According to my documentation there have been situations (maybe in corrupt
> documents?) where false/empty FCNoteheadMods should be deleted.
> Until now I did when all values where set to the default values in the
> score. And I don't want to switch through all parts at that point, if
> possible.
> Here is a test script for the attached document:
> local reg=finale.FCMusicRegion()
> reg:SetFullDocument()
> local parts=finale.FCParts()
> parts:LoadAll()
> for p in each(parts) do
>     p:SwitchTo()
>     for e in eachentry(reg) do
>         if e.NoteDetailFlag then
>             local nhmods=e:CreateNoteheadMods()
>             for nh in each(nhmods) do
>                 local nu=nh:CreateRawDataDump()
>                 if nu then
> print(p.ID,e.Measure,e.MeasurePos,nu:GetItemAt(10).Int,nu:GetItemAt(12).Int)
>                 end
>             end
>         end
>     end
>     p:SwitchBack()
> end
> Running [Unnamed Script] ======>
> 0 1 0 0 0  --> Score: Measure 1, Pos 0, all default values (=0)
> 0 1 2048 0 0
> 0 2 0 0 13  -->  13 is set
> 0 3 2560 4 13  --> 4 and 13 is set
> 9 1 0 4 0   --> 4 is set
> 9 1 2048 4 0   --> 4 is set
> 9 2 0 4 13   --> 4 and 13 is set
> 9 3 2560 0 13   --> 13 is set
> <======= [Unnamed Script] succeeded (Processing time: 0.000 s).
> Four notes have enharmonic flips and two also have the "13" value.
> Three notes have the "4" in the linked part, one note has it in the score.
> Jan
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