[JW Lua] Return value issue with v0.66

Jan Angermüller jan at angermueller.com
Sun Mar 12 19:10:52 CET 2023


thanks a lot for v0.66!

I have been testing the compatibility with Perfect Layout and also tried 
the new "return value" handling.
It seems to me like there is still a problem. I tried it in 
Fin27/Win10/RGP Lua v.66.

I call the plug-in with:
local success,d1,d2=finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem(script)

When the plug-in ended without error, but with:
return 11,12,13

The script above gave these values:

I think this is correct. (However, I have not found it in the 
**BUT: *this only happened the very first time when I called the script 
directly after starting Finale.
When I run the ExecuteLuaScriptItem a second time, it always results in:

d1=""            --or at least it's an "empty nothing" when I print it 
with   tostring(d1). It's not nil.

So after the first run I can't influence the return value anymore.
Seems like the return value is permanently stored somewhere in RGP Lua.

When I restart Finale, it's the same behaviour: first time correct value 
13, after that "".

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