[JW Lua] Return value issue with v0.66
Robert Patterson
robert at robertgpatterson.com
Sun Mar 12 22:45:31 CET 2023
Please send me a minimal pair of scripts that reproduces the problem.
On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 3:32 PM Jan Angermüller <jan at angermueller.com>
> Hm, I can't reproduce what you write.
> Could it be that you checked on macOS? Maybe it's different there?
> Here is a screen cam video that shows what I wrote:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXA0K92z_bQ
> when Finale 27/Win10 is (re-)started the first plug-in call returns the
> correct *errmsg *(here: "false" which comes from clicking "Cancel" in the
> Perfect Layout user dialog).
> The second time I run Perfect Layout with the same clicks, *errmsg *is
> *"". *If I restarted Finale once more (which is not in the video), it
> would again show the correct *errmsg *the first time, but an empty value
> on subsequent calls.
> Jan
> Am 12.03.2023 um 20:41 schrieb Robert Patterson:
> Okay, so it isn't exactly a bug. ExecuteLuaScriptItem returns the top
> value on the Lua stack, which is the *last* value returned. So the question
> is, do I modify it to return the first value returned (i.e., the last value
> on the stack), or do I modify the docs to say it returns the last value
> returned?
> Mir ist es egal.
> On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 2:24 PM Robert Patterson <
> robert at robertgpatterson.com> wrote:
>> I created this script called "test_return_value.lua":
>> function plugindef()
>> finaleplugin.RequireDocument = false
>> finaleplugin.LoadLuaSocket = true
>> finaleplugin.IgnoreReturnValue = true
>> end
>> return 11, 12, 13
>> And I call it with this script:
>> local script_path = finenv.RunningLuaFolderPath() ..
>> "test_return_value.lua"
>> local items = finenv.CreateLuaScriptItemsFromFilePath(script_path)
>> local success, errmsg, msgtype =
>> finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem(items:GetItemAt(0))
>> if errmsg ~= null then print("type", msgtype, errmsg) end
>> It always returns: success==true, errmsg=="13", msgtype==0.
>> The bug here is that it should be returning errmsg=="11". I'm not sure
>> why it isn't, and I need to research it.
>> On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 1:12 PM Jan Angermüller <jan at angermueller.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Robert,
>>> thanks a lot for v0.66!
>>> I have been testing the compatibility with Perfect Layout and also tried
>>> the new "return value" handling.
>>> It seems to me like there is still a problem. I tried it in
>>> Fin27/Win10/RGP Lua v.66.
>>> I call the plug-in with:
>>> local success,d1,d2=finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem(script)
>>> When the plug-in ended without error, but with:
>>> return 11,12,13
>>> The script above gave these values:
>>> success=true
>>> d1=13
>>> d2=0
>>> I think this is correct. (However, I have not found it in the
>>> documentation.)
>>> *BUT: *this only happened the very first time when I called the script
>>> directly after starting Finale.
>>> When I run the ExecuteLuaScriptItem a second time, it always results in:
>>> success=true
>>> d1="" --or at least it's an "empty nothing" when I print it
>>> with tostring(d1). It's not nil.
>>> d2=0
>>> So after the first run I can't influence the return value anymore.
>>> Seems like the return value is permanently stored somewhere in RGP Lua.
>>> When I restart Finale, it's the same behaviour: first time correct value
>>> 13, after that "".
>>> Jan
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> Jan Angermüller
> Orchideenstieg 13
> 22297 Hamburg
> Tel. 040 - 28 94 84 82
> Mobil 0173 - 99 33 904www.elbsound.studio
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