[JW Lua] Return value issue with v0.66
Robert Patterson
robert at robertgpatterson.com
Mon Mar 13 01:39:46 CET 2023
Okay, I've found the problem. There is a bug when executing the same
instance of FCLuaScriptItem. The first time it returns the correct value,
but thereafter it behaves as you described.
You can work around the bug by creating a new instance of FCLuaScriptItem
each time you execute the script. I will put a fix in for the next release
of RGP Lua.
On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 7:09 PM Robert Patterson <
robert at robertgpatterson.com> wrote:
> Just to clarify, I have created a test case (described above) that seems
> like it is what you described. I am running it on WinFin with the released
> version of RGP Lua. I see completely consistent return values, like the
> first in your scenario but they are the same every time.
> There must be some other factor at play. That is why I am requesting a set
> of test scripts that reproduce it on your end.
> Robert
> On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 4:45 PM Robert Patterson <
> robert at robertgpatterson.com> wrote:
>> Please send me a minimal pair of scripts that reproduces the problem.
>> On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 3:32 PM Jan Angermüller <jan at angermueller.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hm, I can't reproduce what you write.
>>> Could it be that you checked on macOS? Maybe it's different there?
>>> Here is a screen cam video that shows what I wrote:
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXA0K92z_bQ
>>> when Finale 27/Win10 is (re-)started the first plug-in call returns the
>>> correct *errmsg *(here: "false" which comes from clicking "Cancel" in
>>> the Perfect Layout user dialog).
>>> The second time I run Perfect Layout with the same clicks, *errmsg *is
>>> *"". *If I restarted Finale once more (which is not in the video), it
>>> would again show the correct *errmsg *the first time, but an empty
>>> value on subsequent calls.
>>> Jan
>>> Am 12.03.2023 um 20:41 schrieb Robert Patterson:
>>> Okay, so it isn't exactly a bug. ExecuteLuaScriptItem returns the top
>>> value on the Lua stack, which is the *last* value returned. So the question
>>> is, do I modify it to return the first value returned (i.e., the last value
>>> on the stack), or do I modify the docs to say it returns the last value
>>> returned?
>>> Mir ist es egal.
>>> On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 2:24 PM Robert Patterson <
>>> robert at robertgpatterson.com> wrote:
>>>> I created this script called "test_return_value.lua":
>>>> function plugindef()
>>>> finaleplugin.RequireDocument = false
>>>> finaleplugin.LoadLuaSocket = true
>>>> finaleplugin.IgnoreReturnValue = true
>>>> end
>>>> return 11, 12, 13
>>>> And I call it with this script:
>>>> local script_path = finenv.RunningLuaFolderPath() ..
>>>> "test_return_value.lua"
>>>> local items = finenv.CreateLuaScriptItemsFromFilePath(script_path)
>>>> local success, errmsg, msgtype =
>>>> finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem(items:GetItemAt(0))
>>>> if errmsg ~= null then print("type", msgtype, errmsg) end
>>>> It always returns: success==true, errmsg=="13", msgtype==0.
>>>> The bug here is that it should be returning errmsg=="11". I'm not sure
>>>> why it isn't, and I need to research it.
>>>> On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 1:12 PM Jan Angermüller <jan at angermueller.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Robert,
>>>>> thanks a lot for v0.66!
>>>>> I have been testing the compatibility with Perfect Layout and also
>>>>> tried the new "return value" handling.
>>>>> It seems to me like there is still a problem. I tried it in
>>>>> Fin27/Win10/RGP Lua v.66.
>>>>> I call the plug-in with:
>>>>> local success,d1,d2=finenv.ExecuteLuaScriptItem(script)
>>>>> When the plug-in ended without error, but with:
>>>>> return 11,12,13
>>>>> The script above gave these values:
>>>>> success=true
>>>>> d1=13
>>>>> d2=0
>>>>> I think this is correct. (However, I have not found it in the
>>>>> documentation.)
>>>>> *BUT: *this only happened the very first time when I called the
>>>>> script directly after starting Finale.
>>>>> When I run the ExecuteLuaScriptItem a second time, it always results
>>>>> in:
>>>>> success=true
>>>>> d1="" --or at least it's an "empty nothing" when I print it
>>>>> with tostring(d1). It's not nil.
>>>>> d2=0
>>>>> So after the first run I can't influence the return value anymore.
>>>>> Seems like the return value is permanently stored somewhere in RGP Lua.
>>>>> When I restart Finale, it's the same behaviour: first time correct
>>>>> value 13, after that "".
>>>>> Jan
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>>> Jan Angermüller
>>> Orchideenstieg 13
>>> 22297 Hamburg
>>> Tel. 040 - 28 94 84 82
>>> Mobil 0173 - 99 33 904www.elbsound.studio
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