[JW Lua] RGP Lua 0.71

Robert Patterson robert at robertgpatterson.com
Sat Feb 10 02:55:35 CET 2024

RGP Lua is available to download at the download site

There are a number of bug fixes as well as simple horizontal auto-layout
methods to facilitate localization. Localization is also supported in the
plugindef function, because RGP Lua now sends the user's locale code as an
argument to the plugindef function. See the quick start page
<https://robertgpatterson.com/-fininfo/-rgplua/docs/rgp-lua.html> for an

The Finale Lua <https://github.com/finale-lua/lua-scripts> repo now
implements an approach for localization that is now being used for the
transposition and baseline nudge scripts. Hopefully, more will follow over

Here is a full list of changes.

   - Fixed bug where pre-selecting a row in FCCtrlDataList caused them all
   to be selected.
   - Added FCCtrlHorizontalLine and FCCtrlVerticalLine as subclasses of
   FCCtrlLine. This change should be invisible to most Lua scripts, but it
   could affect any that are comparing ClassName() to "FCCtrlLine".
   - Added horizontal auto-sizing methods to FCControl to facilitate
   - RGP Lua now sends user locale code to plugindef function.
   - Added access to GetFullNamePosition and GetAbbreviatedNamePosition
   from FCStaffStyleDef.
   - Added FCCtrlTextEditor::SetLineSpacing and GetLineSpacing.
   - BREAKING CHANGE: Replace FCCtrlTextEditor::GetCharacterAtIndex with
   - Calls to plugindef() now run in untrusted mode.
   - Added LUA_ERROR message type to distinguish between a Lua error and a
   value returned by the script.
   - Console minor bug fixes and enhancements. Added line spacing option on
   macOS to mitigate issue with line number alignment when international
   characters are present in the text.
   - Added FCLuaScriptItem.GetFileName method to be able reliably to
   identify a script by its filename in any locale.
   - FCControl::SetKeyboardFocus now works correctly on macOS, and
   FCCtrlEdit::SetFocus is deprecated.
   - Hitting Enter on a read-only FCCtrlTextEditor now activates the
   default (OK) button, if there is one.
   - FCStrings::AddCopy now returns true when there is no error.
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