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when I call eachentrysaved(...) without any further modifications,
it automatically<br>
resets the "Downstem 2nd" and "Upstem 2nd" entry flag to its default
This might make sense in some situations, but not when I had changed
the flags on purpose (e.g. for note clusters).<br>
Code snippet: (select the region and run)<br>
for e in eachentrysaved(finenv.Region()) do end<br>
Half a year ago I wrote a similar request (Mail from 2016-06-28):<br>
is it possible to change the "Downstem 2nd" flag with JW Lua ?<br>
I think it isn't. Or at least I still don't know how. <br>
So probably it's not possible to find a workaround for the problem